St George’s C of E Primary School ensures the learning children experience in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.
At St George’s C of E Primary School, we are committed to inspiring children to become valuable citizens of the future within the foundations of a strongly Christian environment.
We do this alongside two other local rural schools through working as a collaborative three school fellowship based on a similar foundation and vision.
English and maths are therefore embedded within the school curriculum, supporting the development of children’s learning, thinking, and personal, emotional, and social skills. The other curriculum areas are grouped within four sections:
- Science and Technology — Science, Computing, and Design Technology
- Understanding Our World — RE, History, Geography, and a Modern Foreign Language
- Ourselves — PE and Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, and Economic Education
- Expressive Arts — Music and Art
At St George’s, the curriculum areas are taught through stimulating and exciting topics. Our topics are planned over a two-year programme, appropriate for each class, and are either history, geography, or science based with links being made to other areas as appropriate; putting the pupils’ learning in context. The skills in reading, writing, and maths are taught daily as part of the topic or as discrete lessons.
To enhance the children’s learning, we regularly utilise external expertise through inviting visitors into the school, or arranging day trips to museums, art galleries, and the theatre, for example. We also arrange themed days or weeks to allow the opportunity to explore skills and concepts more deeply.
We arrange a short residential in years 3 or 4, and a longer residential in years 5 or 6, giving children opportunities to develop their confidence and team-building skills as well as enjoying practical activities that support the curriculum.
At St. George’s Primary School, our school vision is:
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Ephesians 4:32
St George's Church of England Primary School – supporting each other to courageously flourish, within our community, armed with our shield of Christian values.
Be Kind. Be Compassionate. Be Forgiving.
We are committed to creating a positive, safe, and nurturing Christian environment where all members of the school and wider community are important, valued, and cared for. All will benefit from opportunities to be inspired and to learn and grow as individuals. This will enable everyone to reach their full potential and be prepared for what the future may bring.
We, the children and adults, hold our Christian values at the heart of all that we do. These are:
- Honesty
- Respect
- Courage
- Forgiveness
- Friendship
- Kindness
At St.George's school, our curriculum pledge is:
- We promise that we will have the highest expectations for all
- We promise we will uphold our school Christian values
- We promise we will all be inspired, excited, engaged and curious learners
- We promise to nurture life long learning
Our curriculum aims to provide for progression through a balance of knowledge and skills across a combination of discreet teaching and robust cross curricular links. It will be made accessible to all children in a fully inclusive manner.
Prospectus 23/24
2 Year Cycles
Detailed in the documents below, you will find information on each subject as well as the topics involved in the curriculum.